Boys & Girls Club of Ukiah (BGCU) is an afterschool youth development program which operates each day after school serving the Ukiah Valley. With nearly 600 registered members BGCU has an average of 160 members coming through their door daily. Professional staff and volunteers are on site to mentor youth until 6:30 p.m. offering a variety of specialized small groups such as SMART Girls (Skills Mastery and Resistance Training). SMART Girls currently has 15 youth who participate in a weekly discussion with an adult facilitator who directs the conversation using BGCA curriculum. There is a large variety of subjects discussed such as healthy life choices, drug awareness, and puberty. The facilitator supports girls with making proper choices for their lives, guiding them with growing into healthy, active, responsible, productive adults.
More than 60% of BGCU funding comes from local individuals and special events. March 9 marks our next fundraiser, the Crab Feed. If you would like to participate in organization of the event or by purchasing tickets, please give them a call at 467-4900.
Financial assistance is always welcome, yet there are other ways to assist BGCU such as volunteering your time with a one-time speaking opportunity of sharing your career or personal story or an ongoing scheduled commitment. We are also currently seeking a volunteer with a love for gardening who would like to share that love with youth, taking on the coordination and creation of a back yard above-ground garden. Other volunteers are always welcome for a large variety of projects such as co-facilitating SMART Girls or being a guest speaker. Crocheting, arts, reading, writing and music are some of the other areas you can assist with. Giving the gift of your time is a very special way to assist youth to grow.
email: [email protected] (707) 467-4900