Her volunteer activities have included sewing, decorating and stuffing stockings for the homeless, planning and leading a food drive for the Ukiah Food Bank, helping with Thanksgiving dinner for Plowshares, working on a veteran’s fundraiser, and volunteering as a day camp and resident camp counselor, a First Aider, and a lifeguard for her service unit.
Kayla volunteered more than 60 hours over the last two summers helping to make the Kinetic Carnival Fundraiser for the Mendocino County Museum a success. She also volunteered more than 40 hours after school and during lunch breaks to organize thousands of pieces of sheet music at her school.
Kayla received the award and a check for $250. Her plans for the money are to help with the restoration of music instruments at her school and to write a booklet on the care of musical instruments to help keep them in good condition.
Congratulations Kayla!