The Free Children's Health Fair Continues To Make A Difference

2012 - The Free Children's Health Fair, sponsored by Ukiah Valley Medical Center and Savings Bank of Mendocino County along with a coalition of area non-profit organizations, provides a great service to our community. Many smiling young
faces were seen throughout the day as kids participated in activities, which included receiving a free bike helmet and riding through the bike safety course. Soroptimist International of Ukiah was pleased to provide funding towards the purchase of the helmets again this year and many of our club members enjoyed helping the day of the event. More than 200 bike helmets were distributed to children in the community.
faces were seen throughout the day as kids participated in activities, which included receiving a free bike helmet and riding through the bike safety course. Soroptimist International of Ukiah was pleased to provide funding towards the purchase of the helmets again this year and many of our club members enjoyed helping the day of the event. More than 200 bike helmets were distributed to children in the community.

Free Children's Health Fair Makes A Difference
Ukiah Daily Journal 11/2/11
On Sunday, October 9, Ukiah Valley Medical Center and the Savings Bank of Mendocino County, along with a coalition of community organizations hosted the third annual Free Children’s Health Fair, “Wild About Health” at the Alex Rorabaugh Center on the Grace Hudson Elementary School campus.“The weather was perfect for families to come out and enjoy the event,” said Terri Boudreaux, this year’s event organizer.
Over 400 children and their families participated in over 40 activities including free health screenings for dental, vision, diabetes, and hearing.Shriner’s Hospital with the help of Dr. Ziad Hanna and staff were able to screen children for services offered by the Shriner’s Hospital for orthopedic, burn and cleft lip and palate maladies.
Kids also participated in a bike safety course where they received a bike and helmet safety inspection. Kids in need of bike helmets were provided one compliments of Soroptimist International of Ukiah, the Operating Engineers Local Union number 3, and Credit Bureau of Ukiah. “Parents had the opportunity to learn about valuable services offered in the community that are
dedicated to keeping their children healthy and safe, all while their kids participated in fun-filled interactive activities throughout the day,” said Boudreaux.
Families enjoyed great performances from the Taiko Drumming group and the Baile Folklorico – Latino Youth Group.Clowns provided by the Shriner’s Hospital entertained everyone with their balloon animals.
Kids were also given a chance to enter a drawing and win one of several prizes including bicycles donated by Pacific Redwood Medical Group and the Physicians of the UVMC Emergency Room. Other prizes were donated by Little Brown Bear, Wal-Mart,
Lucky Supermarket, Pacific Outfitters, and Boys and Girls Club. Look for this valuable community event to take place around the same time next year!
Ukiah Daily Journal 11/2/11
On Sunday, October 9, Ukiah Valley Medical Center and the Savings Bank of Mendocino County, along with a coalition of community organizations hosted the third annual Free Children’s Health Fair, “Wild About Health” at the Alex Rorabaugh Center on the Grace Hudson Elementary School campus.“The weather was perfect for families to come out and enjoy the event,” said Terri Boudreaux, this year’s event organizer.
Over 400 children and their families participated in over 40 activities including free health screenings for dental, vision, diabetes, and hearing.Shriner’s Hospital with the help of Dr. Ziad Hanna and staff were able to screen children for services offered by the Shriner’s Hospital for orthopedic, burn and cleft lip and palate maladies.
Kids also participated in a bike safety course where they received a bike and helmet safety inspection. Kids in need of bike helmets were provided one compliments of Soroptimist International of Ukiah, the Operating Engineers Local Union number 3, and Credit Bureau of Ukiah. “Parents had the opportunity to learn about valuable services offered in the community that are
dedicated to keeping their children healthy and safe, all while their kids participated in fun-filled interactive activities throughout the day,” said Boudreaux.
Families enjoyed great performances from the Taiko Drumming group and the Baile Folklorico – Latino Youth Group.Clowns provided by the Shriner’s Hospital entertained everyone with their balloon animals.
Kids were also given a chance to enter a drawing and win one of several prizes including bicycles donated by Pacific Redwood Medical Group and the Physicians of the UVMC Emergency Room. Other prizes were donated by Little Brown Bear, Wal-Mart,
Lucky Supermarket, Pacific Outfitters, and Boys and Girls Club. Look for this valuable community event to take place around the same time next year!